Note: this offer is effective for all registered students of the 2009-2010 academic year, including recent graduates - congratulations! ' Please contact us at and attach a copy of your Student ID to receive the coupon code. Note that all Imagenomic product editions can be used on a free trial basis before purchasing, and we also support a full refund policy. Students use a special coupon code when ordering from Imagenomic's webshop to receive the student discount price. 'For Students, the Pro Plugin Suite (MSRP $300) can be purchased online at a special student bundle price of $90 (a savings of over $200 off the standard retail bundle price). I followed the instruction on their web site and sent a copy of his student ID. I do own my own fully paid version of Portraiture, so I could have just given him my key if that was possible but I pay for software that I use. He has his own 'Student' version of Photoshop CS5 and wanted to work with Portraiture. I recently tried to buy a 'Student' version of Portraiture for one of my children.